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Things to Prepare Yourself for Eyelid Surgery

Many people consider having surgery done to their eyelids to give them a boost. This can help you rid your eyelids of problems such as excessive droopiness, and other problems. This can also be done to change the puffiness under your eyes or to hollow out the under eye area. If your eyes are the first thing that are noticed by other people (and they are), this procedure will actually deeply change your face for the better! Read on to find out more about what you can do to prepare.

Get your health on track

When you are approaching the time when you need to get an eyelid surgery done, it is very important that you get your body healthy. If you do this, you will be able to heal much quicker. Be sure to:

  • stop smoking at least 3 weeks prior to having surgery

  • eat healthily and exercise often

  • get rid of alcohol and caffeine

Follow the instructions of your surgeon

A good surgeon will understand what you need to get your health on track, and will help you keep your health at a high enough rate that you can recover quickly. Be sure to follow the instructions that come from your surgeon.

Don't forget to be realistic

When you choose to have a plastic surgery procedure done, you will definitely go through a period where you don't look good as you're on the road to recovery. When you have completed a procedure, you will likely have bruising and swelling that will prevent you from wanting to be seen in public. Take heart - you will look fine after you heal.

Give your eyes time to heal

After you do something like this to your eyes, they will need sufficient time to rejuvenate themselves. This means that you need not cause any stress to your eyes or eyelids for a specified amount of time. This includes putting on makeup, wearing contacts, or watching TV.

If you are careful and take care of your eyes after you have surgery, you will heal much quicker and will have much better results! If you have any questions about how best to take care of your eyes, or even just about eye surgery itself, contact our professionals today. We can help you understand what you need!

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