Plastic Surgery and Skin Care
980 237 6958

Client Information
In our practice, your safety is our priority. My attention to detail is not limited to surgical technique alone. It is inclusive and devoted to the complete management of your care. I, along with Erin, will instruct and assist you as you prepare for your surgery. Several of my clients have graciously informed me that they would be happy to answer any questions regarding the procedure which you may be considering. Erin will help to schedule a mutually convenient time. Please let us know how we can assist you.
What to expect prior to your surgical procedure:
Safety is the priority for your surgery. I require that you undergo a history and physical evaluation by your primary care physician within two weeks of your scheduled procedure. Both aspirin and ibuprofen prolong the clotting ability of blood and should be discontinued a minimum of two weeks before your surgery. Oral contraceptives (OC's) contain different forms of the female hormones estrogen and progestin which increase the clotting ability of the blood. Depending on the specific surgical procedure, as well as a client's risk factors, I may recommend discontinuing oral contraceptives three weeks prior to a scheduled surgery and restarting them one week post operatively.
You will have a second consultation with me one to two weeks prior to your scheduled surgery. The purpose of your preoperative visit is to review the surgical procedure you will be undergoing and the risks and potential complications associated with the procedure. Once your questions have been thoroughly answered to your satisfaction, you will be asked to sign an informed consent acknowledging your understanding of the procedure along with its risks and potential complications.
Erin will provide you a Client Care Information packet which includes instructions regarding postoperative medications, wound care, and scheduled follow up appointments. Post operative medications will be called in to your pharmacy prior to your surgery. These medications may include: a narcotic pain reliever, muscle relaxer, antibiotic and antiemetic for nausea. The combination of general anesthesia, decreased mobility and narcotic pain relievers commonly cause constipation so I recommend that you begin taking a stool softener three to five days prior to surgery. These risks will be reviewed below under, What to expect after your surgical procedure.
The night before your surgery, you should not have anything to eat nor drink after midnight. It is important both physically and mentally to get a good nights rest. An important part of your preparation is having piece of mind that "things" have been taken care of. Arrangements for childcare, transportation, meals, daily responsibilities of home should be checked-off on your list of things to do. You have placed considerable thought into your decision to go forward with an elective procedure. This is your time and it is very important to focus on you during your recovery period.
What to expect the day of your surgical procedure:
You will check in at the Surgery Center of Des Moines-West one hour and thirty minutes prior to your scheduled surgery. I will see you shortly after you have registered, review your surgical procedure(s), perform surgical markings and answer any questions that you or your family may have. A board certified anesthesiologist will interview you and address questions or concerns. An IV will be started so that you may be given fluids to keep you well hydrated. An antibiotic will be administered. Sequential Compression Devices (SCD'S) will be placed around the lower part of your leg below the knee and activated before you enter the operating room. By helping to prevent blood clots from developing in the lower part of the legs, SCD's are one of several precaution taken to make your surgery safe. Warm air will also be used to keep your body temperature within the normal range throughout the procedure. Studies have shown that warming a patient before their procedure may help to prevent complications sometimes associated with hypothermia in the post-operative period. My Patient Safety Protocol requires that my patients be warmed using warm forced air before entering the operating room. I also require that the operating room be pre heated to 75 degrees. During your surgery, I am in consistent communication with the anesthesia staff assessing your status while you are under general anesthesia.
What to expect after your surgical procedure:
Following the majority of aesthetic surgical procedures I perform, my patients go home the same day. There are some procedures that I believe it is best to have my patients be admitted for one night of recovery at the accredited surgical center where I operate. A private registered nurse will care for you. I have specific post operative instructions to make sure that everything is done to make your surgery a safe experience. Your nurse will assist you in walking soon after your surgery. This is a very important part of your recovery because early ambulation (walking) helps to prevent blood clots from forming in the legs. She will also instruct you how to use an incentive spirometer. I think of an incentive spirometer as a "exercise machine" for the lungs which helps to improve the flow of oxygen. Your incentive spirometer will go home with you and should be used every 15 minutes as instructed. Your nurse will also make certain that you are well hydrated and able to tolerate food without becoming nauseated. These issues are best managed in the controlled setting of your private recovery room.
I will see you the morning following your surgery and perform your first dressing change. I will examine you, review your medications and re-educate you on the importance of frequent ambulation (walking), hydration and proper nutrition. I will review the signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and again provide instructions on how to minimize the risk of developing a DVT. This and other valuable information is discussed in my Patient Safety Protocol which was provided to you at your pre surgical consultation.
It is not uncommon that following surgery you may become constipated. The combination of a narcotic pain reliever, changes in your diet, decreased intake of fluids and limited mobility can decrease the motility of your bowels. That is why I recommend that you begin using a stool softener three to five days before your procedure and continue using the stool softener for additional seven days following your surgery.
What to expect during your follow up appointments:
I will see you in my office the day after your surgery. If your surgery required an overnight stay at our surgical center then you will be discharged to home following my morning visit. For certain procedures I prefer visiting your home for the first post operative assessment.
wdf cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery 980 237 6958
7731 Little Ave. Suite B.
Charlotte, NC 28226