Plastic Surgery and Skin Care
980 237 6958

Important Questions
Why is it called " Plastic" Surgery?
The word "plastic" comes from the Greek word "plastikos," meaning, "to mold or to shape." This is the origin for the name of the man-made material that is found almost everywhere - plastic. Whether a toy, plate, or computer monitor, plastic is the material of choice since it can be molded or shaped into any desired form.The term, "plastic surgery", refers to surgery that molds or shapes the human body. Despite the latest advances in plastic surgery, we still cannot mold the human body into any desired form. However, we can make a difference in sculpting one's body to achieve the best shape for each individual by using innovative surgical techniques. What are the most common cosmetic procedures? The five most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the United States are breast augmentation, facelift, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, and liposuction. With the latest innovations in cosmetic plastic surgery, clients may now benefit from more natural results, faster recovery, and safer procedures. Consequently, more and more people have decided to take advantage of these advanced procedures to help them enhance their appearance or restore a more youthful look. In fact, the number of people choosing cosmetic plastic surgery has tripled in the last decade!
Is a Cosmetic Surgeon a Plastic Surgeon?
Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery is often performed by surgeons who lack the proper training and therfore not eligibale for certification by The Americal Board of Plastic Surgery. Members of the American Board of Plastic Surgery are held to the highest standards when it comes to knowledge, judgment, safety, skill and ethics. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has recently published an informative article regarding this topic which may be found at:
What should I know before choosing a Plastic Surgeon?
As described in the above question, it is very important to first understand that some doctors who call themselves ”cosmetic surgeons“ or ”plastic surgeons“ have not recieved the extensive education and training which is required to be eligible to request exmination by the Americal Board of Plastic Surgery. I encourage you to verify that your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. by visiting their website at:
What are the options for enhancing my buttock region?
In general, there are two surgical techniques to enhance the buttocks. A solid silicone implant may be placed within the main muscle of the buttock or liposuction can be used to remove fat from different areas of the body then injected into the buttocks. Under no circumstance would I recommend the use of a gluteal implant. The complication rate is too high and the consequences of the complications are too great. However, the use of a person's own fat to add volume and contour to their buttocks has become very popular. Fat is first removed by a specific liposuction technique using special instruments to sculpt the hips and abdomen and narrow the waist. Attention to detail, or not, will determine the quality of the final result. How fat is removed and prepared for transfer is the most important aspect of a gluteal augmentation procedure. Refined and impressive results can only be attained by respecting details of the human form. Experience is absolutely required in order to achieve consistant results which are of the highest quality.
I invite you to schedule a time to discuss the procedure in more detatil. In the privacy of my office, you can review photos of my clients who have consented to sharing their results. Christina or Rebecca will assist you in arranging a consultation.
More frequently asked questions are provided by visiting the American Society for Plastic Surgeons website at: http://www.plasticsurgery.org/
wdf cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery 980 237 6958
7731 Little Suite B.
Charlotte, NC 28226