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The Importance of Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be a challanging time in a woman's life. Undergoing a mastectomy or lumpectomy for management of breast cancer may result in a woman feeling very different about her body. Today, doctors are increasingly endorsing the importance of breast reconstruction surgery and are offering women the opportunity to speak with a reconstuctive plastic surgeon as part the comprehensive management of their cancer. Reconstruction surgery is an important way to help a woman feel like herself again. It is part of the recovery. A reconstructive plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery can discuss in detail the options currently available for breast reconstruction.

Today, at major breast cancer centers across the United States, a board certified reconstructive plastic surgeon is part of the team which manages breast cancer. It is important that the reconstructive surgeon have knowledge of how the breast cancer will be managed so that she or he may discuss appropriate options for reconstruction.

If you would like to learn more about your options for breast reconstruction please contact our office and schedule a time to speak with Dr. Franks. Dr. Franks has extensive experience in breast reconstruction and can discuss your options for breast reconstruction in a way that is informative yet easy to understand. Our office can also arrange for you to speak with women who have undergone breast reconstruction. We are very fortunate to have clients who want to help others as they consider their options how they wish to proceed with their recovery.

Additional information regarding breast reconstruction may be obtain from the American Society of Plastic Surgery under Reconstructive Procedures.

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