Do's and Don'ts of Facelift Recovery
Undergoing facelift surgery has become increasingly popular, as people want to avoid the ageing process for as long as they can. The procedure eliminates all visible signs of ageing, by getting rid of saggy skin, deep creases below the eyelids and fatty deposit under the chin. Everyone will eventually feel the effects of gravity, stress and ageing, but it doesn’t have to be visible on your face. Once you undergo a facelift procedure, it is important that you follow all the necessary steps for a proper recovery. These tips will ensure you have a fast and effective facelift recovery.
Do stay hydrated and rest
Drinking plenty of water is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which is why staying properly hydrated promotes the healing of your skin. Because you underwent a major surgical procedure, staying hydrated is more important than ever. Having a friend or relative help you during recovery can also speed up the process. Getting enough rest will allow your face to heal, and having a friend that will help you around the house to ensure you are able to get the rest you need is encouraged. It is also important to avoid heavy lifting until the doctor allows you to do so.
Do sleep in an elevated position
If you sleep lying down after a facelift procedure, it can damage the results. Sleeping with your head and back raised under pillows will promote proper circulation of blood. This is crucial for the first few days following the procedure, as the circulation of blood will allow the skin to heal. Sleeping in an upright position will also prevent you from lying on your face, which can be very painful after surgery.
Don’t take hot showers or wash your hair
You will still be able to take showers or baths after your procedure, but the water should be lukewarm. Any excessive heat could prevent the skin from healing properly. Also, do not wash your hair for at least two days following the facelift procedure. If the shampoo gets near your face within the first couple days, it could damage your skin. You should also avoid saunas and steam rooms until your surgeon has cleared you for normal activities.
Don’t touch your bandages
Following the surgery, your face is very sensitive. Not only will it hurt to touch your face, but doing so could damage the drainage tubes that are put in place. It is extremely important that the drainage tubes are working efficiently, so your face will heal properly. Any disturbance to them could alter the results of the procedure. No matter how anxious you are to see your new face, wait until the doctor removes the bandages before touching your face.
If you follow these tips after a facelift procedure, you shouldn’t experience any complications. Your face will come out looking great with proper recovery.
If you are considering undergoing a facelift procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Franks. He is a board certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience. He can perform a flawless surgery. For more information about facelift in Des Moines, contact 515.421.4299.