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Plastic surgeons can ensure a low risk of complication for liposuction procedures. Liposuction has become one of the most common plastic surgery procedures due to its low complication rate and reasonable costs. American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics reveal that 202,000 procedures were performed in the year 2012.

Dr. Geo Nicolas Tabbal of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center stated, “The evolution of liposuction has seen refinements in technique and improvement of patient safety-related standards of care.”

Liposuction has been performed for a long enough time now that doctors can ensure long term results. Over the years the technical aspects to the procedure have advanced dramatically. With good doctor-patient communication, the procedure can be successfully performed. If the patients keeps up with the postoperative care and continues a healthy lifestyle, the results should be long term. Dr. Tabbal has developed a list of five principles for successful liposuction.

Preoperative evaluation and planning

First way to ensure the liposuction procedure will be successful is to select the right candidates to undergo the procedure. Patients need to have a healthy lifestyle and maintain it after the procedure. If patients do not follow a healthy diet plan or exercise, the results of the procedure are not going to last. Doctors need to emphasize to patients “appropriate and realistic” expectations they should have for the procedure. A patient should be aware that the outcome may not be entirely what they expected.

Intraoperative monitoring and safety

Patients need to be prepared for general anesthesia. It can be scary going under anesthesia, especially for a first time patient. It is important that patients ask all appropriate questions to prepare them of all possibilities. A patient needs to be fully informed of all the risks prior to going under.

Wetting solutions and fluid status

“Wetting solutions” offer new techniques to liposuction procedures. It is a safe procedure that allows for a larger-volume liposuction. A patient’s fluids needs to be effectively monitored when using this procedure.

Body contouring and prevention of complications

There are certain considerations that need to be discussed between doctors and patients. Three-dimensional body contouring can develop during any procedure. Doctors may need to perform immediate fat-grafting transferring of the patient’s cells if any irregularities develop.

Postoperative care and outcomes management

It is imperative that patients wear compression garments for at least two weeks following the procedure. Patients also need to continue wearing compression garments at night for even a few weeks after that. If patients effectively follow postoperative care routine will ensure the smallest chance of developing complications. Weight gain can have a very negative effect on a patient’s appearance after getting liposuction.

Dr. Franks is a board certified plastic surgeon with experience in liposuction. This Des Moines plastic surgeon can help reduce fat deposits in your body. If you are considering getting a liposuction procedure, schedule a consultation. It is important that your get all your questions answered prior to getting the procedure done. For more information about liposuction or to schedule an appointment, contact 515.421.4299.

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