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Increase in quality of life after breast augmentation

Why choose to get a breast augmentation? Women claim various reasons behind getting their breasts done. Many want to get the procedure for the sole reason that they want larger breasts. According to a study by the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, women that have undergone breast augmentation report having a better quality of life overall. They report gains in both their psychosocial and sexual well-being. However, the study also reports that older women may not be as satisfied with their results.

The study used the BREAST-Q survey to get each woman’s standpoint before and after their procedure. The BREAST-Q study was created for a new patient-reported outcome measure (PROM). The survey evaluates both satisfaction and quality of life through a modular, procedure specific structure. The BREAST-Q survey focuses on six aspects that affect the quality of life: satisfaction with breasts and with overall outcome; psychosocial, sexual, and physical well-being; and satisfaction with care.

The survey was taken before the surgery, six weeks after, and again six months after the breast augmentation. Six hundred and eleven women were surveyed. Implants, usually silicone, are placed under the muscle for breast enlargement surgeries. Satisfaction of breasts are taken on a 100-point scale. Satisfaction numbers went from 25 before the surgery up to 80 after the surgery. Improvement in scores for psychosocial and sexual well-being had a similar outcome.

For older women, it seems only one area of the quality of life has decreased after surgery. They reported lower physical function six weeks after the surgery. However, after an additional six weeks scores returned to normal. This would cause delay in the overall recovery process. Patients will have to do more follow-up appointments with their doctor in order to ensure that full physical function returns. Also, older patients overall had less satisfaction with their breasts and the breast augmentation procedure. Average scores for women over 50 decreased from a score of 77. Dr. Alderman reported, “The older patients seem less satisfied with their aesthetic result and less likely to have their expectations met.”

One of the most important factors for getting a medical or surgical procedure is an increase in the overall quality of life. The most common cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States is breast augmentation. Around 290,000 women are reported to have gotten a breast augmentation in the United States for the year 2013 according to ASPS statistics.

It is important to consider all factors when deciding to undergo a breast augmentation or any other cosmetic surgery. WDF Cosmetic and Reconstruction Plastic Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa can provide top of the line surgical procedures. Overall, satisfaction and quality of life will significantly improve no matter what procedure you wish to undergo. If you are older in age, take time to consider your options. The recovery process is much quicker for patients that have a better overall experience with their procedure. For more information about cosmetic surgery in Des Moines, contact 515.421.4299.

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