After Baby: A Guide to Post Partem Plastic Surgery Pt.1
After pregnancy, your body experiences a lot of changes. There are areas of your body that have really taken a beating. For some women,...
Is the Internal Bra the New Breast Lift
With technology being so far advanced, plastic surgery patients have plenty of options to fix the problems they see in themselves. There...
How Liquid Face Lifts Work
There are a lot of different factors that come together and make people look older. Saggy skin, discoloration, lines and wrinkles all...
Considering Plastic Surgery? Kick the Nicotine Habit
There are so many reasons why it would be a good idea to quit smoking. You can breathe better, your clothes don’t smell and romantic...
A Brief History of Cosmetic Surgery
Have you ever wondered how surgeries worked before modern surgical tools? Some believe surgery simply didn’t happen. But that is not...
Facial Implants: What to Know
The concept of a face implant probably sounds funny. Why would someone want to put an implant in their face? Surprisingly, in a society...
Save Your Skin: Sunscreen Tips
Ah, summer time. What a truly pleasurable season. No school, time off from work and overall fun times are had by all. Children and adults...
Is Breast Reduction Right for You?
Women with small breasts are not the only people unhappy with the size of their bosoms. Women with large natural breasts are often...
5 Spots You Never Knew Could Benefit From Liposuction Treatment
From the most active fitness buffs to the naturally thin, people tend have minor problem areas that retain very stubborn fat cells. This...
Eyelid Surgery: What You Should Know
It is natural for the skin around your eyes to begin to change as you age. Around the age of 40, it's extremely common to see your...